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"Are You Still
Wasting Money On "Image"
And "Professional Marketing,"
With Little Or No Response?

Bloomfield Hills, Michigan

Dear Friend,

Please be honest...Sanford Jay Barris

Because if you're truthful with yourself, you'll agree:

There's a whole lot of money
in your marketplace right now
that you are NOT getting.

     Are you upset because your current marketing efforts are not bringing in the right kind of sales leads you want?

And, are you frustrated because your marketing isn't paying for itself and you feel you are throwing your hard earned money away?

     Are you very pissed off at the ad agency, marketing company or freelancers that promised you they would perform miracles and bring you all the business you could possibly handle, but never delivered any measurable results?

Well my friend,
how much is one good marketing idea
worth to you and your business?


     Imagine... discovering just one marketing idea that could bring you tons of hot leads and new customers.

     Especially... getting them to keep buying from you, over and over again.

     How about reactivating old customers, who will provide you with an ongoing stream of new income. How about this, anytime you need more business - you simply turn the key to your engine... it's like having the keys to Fort Knox.

     Sounds too good to be true?

     Well, it isn't if you have all the right marketing ideas. Ideas that launch you and your business into to the next level you have been dreaming about...a level that immediately begins to create profound, positive changes in the structure of your business...

...and your life!

     You don't have to take my word for this—you can try it for yourself, at absolutely no risk to you, and find out for yourself that...

...these ideas really work!

“I Understand How
Frustrating It Can Be For You
As A Business Owner...”

     Think about it.

      Because your marketing is the most powerful way to bring in more business. And, for about the price of a cup of coffee to get a new client - your marketing can relentlessly go out and deliver your message perfectly, every time. It will never call in sick. It will never complain. And it will never quit on you.

      Simply put, a powerful marketing effort is like having a little automatic, money-making printing machine working for you, and night.

But Creating Cash Producing Marketing
Is The Hard Part...

      It could take you years and can cost you a small fortune to figure out just the right combinations that make your marketing efforts work - while others fall flat on their face.

      But instead of knocking yourself out trying to come up with just the right marketing idea, you can now have 97 Marketing Secrets that reveal 1007+ of proven, hard-hitting, profit-generating marketing ideas for your business, ready to use at the snap of your fingers-- announcing:

"97 Marketing Secrets To Make More Money:
Your Guide to Growing Your Business Right"

      Because, with just a few of these 1007+ simple (yet extremely powerful) marketing ideas, you'll be light years ahead of your competition with never a loss for marketing ideas.

At Last...

Marketing Ideas That Promise To Bring You All The Business You Want...

      Maybe you're a sales rep looking to attract more problem! Just read Secret 98 on pages 137-141, it shows you 17 mistakes to avoid in any selling situation. And, included in each selling mistake are 2 or 3 different ideas that will make or save you a lot of money. Total ideas in Secret 98, around 39.

      Now if we do some quick math, knowing that each of the 97 marketing secrets has 6 to 12 ideas. You are actually getting somewhere in the neighborhood of 1007+ business and marketing ideas.

      Just think of the advantage you will have over your competitors, 1007+ ideas you can turn to when you need more business.

"Sandy—I was skeptial when I read your web site about 97 marketing secrets. But I took a chance. Boy was I surprised.

Your book has help me in uncountable ways to market my company better then my competitors. Your secrets have opened many new doors to marketing my Audio Visual Company better.

So far your secrets have helped me get a 28.1% response from my monthly mailings in just two months. So far I have booked 13 gigs and have made $10,883. I can only imagine what this number will be in a year or two—all because of these 97 secrets.

Secret number 21 has helped me get 9 new clients, just buy simply asking my existing clients for referrals. I got to say this, anyone who is starting a new business MUST read this book first."
Aaron Sawyer-President
Visionary Sound Productions LLC

      Perhaps you own a retail store or an auto repair shop or a restaurant and want a quick way to increase your business?  Secret 100 (in the Free Bonus section) on page B1 is guaranteed to produce an immediate "cash surge" whenever you want. And you'll kick yourself for not using it sooner, because it's so darn simple.

* Highly Recommended *

FREE SPECIAL BONUS (reg $397.00)
(When You Order Today)

The Amazing 567 page,
124.8 megabyte ebook
S W I P E file
Of Million Dollar
Ads And Sales Letters.

"Instantly Create
More Profitable
Ads, Web Sites and Sales Letters
By Simply Borrowing
A Few Of These Winning Selling Ideas"

      Are you a consultant, business coach or sales trainer? Well, just open to page 32, Secret 21 where you will find 12 ideas revealing how to get your existing clients to refer you all their friends, family and business associates.

How about this... on page 98, secret 73 shows you how "15 minutes of fame" will help any physician, chiropractor, dentist, accountant, lawyer or veterinarian become the go-to-person in his/her community for the services they offer.

What's a great idea worth, the kind that attracts new clients like a high powered magnet and keeps them loyal business partners and friends? One idea that works consistently is invaluable; how about 97 "Marketing Secrets" that should be in the library of every person who wants to be a winner no matter what the economic climate.

Sandy's manual for success is loaded with common sense along with little known secrets that have turned at least 11 prospects into customers for me in the last 3 months! So what are you waiting for?

Let Sandy's marketing savvy help your business grow and thrive. It's one investment that paid for it self immediately--over and over again!

Len Iden,
Writer, communication consultant
and president of The Write On Group.

OK... Ready to get started? Click Here

Here's just a small sample
of what you'll discover:

  • How to use "Refundable Guarantees" to increase sales!

  • How to use the age-old "pile-on" techniques to boost perceived value of your offer!

  • How to make sure YOU become the "acknowledged expert"

  • How to ethically steal clients from your competitors before they know what hit them using little-known stealth direct mail secrets...

  • Simple ways to get tons of referrals...and how to systematically keep getting more and more referrals...

  • The secrets to capturing hundreds, even thousands of fresh leads of eager buyers of your product or service...

  • How a few small simple improvements in your marketing can change your life forever...

  • How to use, almost free, classified ads to attract a flood of sales leads to your business...

  • How to get a 628% greater response without spending an extra cent on your marketing efforts...

  • How to gather all the testimonials that are worth their weight in gold...

  • How to make powerful offers that no prospect in their right mind could possibly refuse...

  • How to make it as easy a possible for your clients to buy more of your products and services...

  • And much more...

  • "I really, really like your EXCELLENT book and the free bonus reports (including the outstanding and invaluable selection of old ads. I'm really surprised how much valuable information and how many tips you've put into your books.
    Not only is the content of your books excellent, but the look of them (the layout) also makes it a very pleasant experience to read them.
    I like your information so much that I'd like to get even more. That's how excellent it is.
    I also really appreciate that your approach is the direct response model - instead of the image/institutional model that so many Madison Avenue companies adhere to.
    So, I'm a very satisfied customer, Sanford. And I fully agree with the positive remarks and testimonials some of your other readers and famous marketers have given you.
    Thank you very much, Sanford!
    Klaus Dahl
    Active Direct Marketing Center

      Now, would you love to have more business that actually is to have... business that gives you a higher ROI, week after week, month after month for 1, 3, 5 even 25 years in a row during up or down economies.

    All this from a few simple marketing ideas?

    Absolutely, BUT...

          ...Wishing won't do it for you! You need simple marketing ideas to bring out the benefits of doing business with you.

          And, there is NOTHING more important for you to do Right NOW. You only really need ONE or TWO ideas to fill your business with all the clients you want...

          Enough business to FIRE ALL YOUR BAD CLIENTS, who are always wasting your time and you are losing money every time you have to deal with them.

    Now, Before We Go On,
    Picture This To Yourself!
          Next week, when you go down to your business—the same business you have been going to year after year.

          But this time, things are different. You've made only ONE simple change to your business, so easy a change, you wonder why you haven't done it sooner.

          This time, when you walk in, your phone is ringing, your email is loaded with people who want to do business with you (not spammers, OK some spam), your business just comes to life just as you always dreamed.

          You see, from the very first marketing secret or idea you use, you'll notice a difference in your business! 

    "This book is a must read for any business owner.  It is full of tips which will increase your business, and best of all it is simple and concise and you can easily use these secrets today.  Great work, Sandy!"
    JEFF STANISLOW: president

    Here Are Just A Few Of The
    Business And Marketing
    Secrets Revealed:

    >> SECRET #1:  What business you are really in and how it can make or break your success...

    >> SECRET #7:  Why you might need to start reading magazines and newspapers that you wouldn't be caught dead reading, but will make you rich...

    >> SECRET #11: How the right S.O.B. will open the floodgates to hundreds of new customers who won't be able to get enough of your stuff...

    >>SECRET #18: Napoleon's secret weapon helped him to win many battles and will help you to make huge sums of money...

    >> SECRET #26: A new way to send your worst, low-profit customers to your competitors to clog up their systems and free you up to make larger profits...

    >> SECRET #37: How looking in the mirror will help you discover your own hidden secrets to making maximum profits...

>> SECRET #50: The stealth-marketing secret that all of your competitors will wish that they knew before you launched it on their best customers...

>> SECRET #52: How a fly in your ointment can get your cash registers ringing uncontrollably for years...

>> SECRET #61: Why Fed Ex, UPS, DHL, and the United States Postal Service will help bring in wads of cash—but it's not what you are thinking...

>> SECRET #72:  Why what Samuel Johnson said in 1759 is even more important today and how it will get people running to your business to spend their hard-earned money...

>>SECRET #79: How sending the wrong e-mail message could ruin your business forever, and what to do to prevent this from ever happening to you...

>> SECRET #90: How to attract rabid buyers—people who are foaming at the mouth to get your stuff...

>>SECRET #96: How to seduce even the most unapproachable person and get them to beg for more of what you have to offer.

"You've heard it before. If you just use 1 or 2 of Sandy's ideas, it was certainly worth the read.

But, in the short time I've had these secrets, I have tried 6 or 7 different ideas. I was shocked how simple they all were to do. and how much more response i got compared to past marketing things i done. I have already seen results and the reality is that a good marketer will use dozens of these ideas. I know I sure will.

Sandy Barris  has a passion for making more money, and he learns from the best marketing minds. He shares the best of these ideas in 97 Marketing Secrets to Make More Money.  It's impossible to read this book without being re-energized to market better."
Barry Melamed, Owner
The Print House, Inc.

    Are You Beginning
    To See The Possibilities?

      In addition, and best of all, this guide shows you exactly what you need to know to get the right clients to come and find you, seek you out.

    • How to at least double your response with dozens of ways to leverage every marketing effort.

    • It reveals 14 ways to plan and set your business goals.

    • Do you want, 22 direct marketing secrets to improve every marketing effort?

    • How to weed out and systematically "fire" clients who are a pain the butt, don't value your services, or don't pay on time. Learn how to replace them with high-quality clients who you'll love to do business with.

    • Learn how to write powerful headlines and bullets that will improve your response rate by at least 400%.

    • You'll be able to roll out a new, low cost or free marketing ideas at least three to four times faster then your competitors.

    • You'll be able to spot a great ad, marketing ideas or offers—ten times easier and faster then every before.

    • How to turn your business cards into powerful selling tools.

    • Amazing advertising, sales and marketing techniques proven to boost your sales and profits by 113% to 527% - FAST

    • Discover how to mine the profits hidden in your client base - without any "hard sell" tactics whatsoever. I'll show you how to do tens of thousands dollars more business with your clients - and have them thank you for it.?

          Yes! And most important of all, this guide shows you how to professionally organize your marketing -­ test and retest everything before you invest your hard earned dollars. Here's more exciting news:

    No Matter What Product or Service You Sell...
    I Promise You’ll Find At Least 471 Marketing Ideas That Have Been Written Just For You...

          OK— let me send you this guide, and prove that these secret ideas will work for you, or it doesn't cost you a penny!

          But, thinking about it, these marketing secrets are actually FREE. Because when you total up all the money you make from even one of the 1007+ ideas, you'll realize, it really was free.

      And, this is important, since only one or two secrets are needed to explode your business to the next level—this investment of LESS THAN TEN CENTS FOR EACH MONEY MAKING IDEA will be an easy decision for you.

    "Sanford Barris has written a must-read book for anyone and everyone in every business.  97 Marketing Secrets to Make More Money will do just that for the reader.  These secrets are presented in a well-organized format with a dash of humor. 

    Mr. Barris motivates the reader through personal business experiences, wonderful quotations and interaction - compelling the reader to make notes and plan for implementation each of these proven successful marketing steps. 

    And, as a bonus, over 133 secrets are revealed, proving that you get more than you pay for from Mr. Barris."
    Theodore R. Kelter III
    Vice President

    Ready? Click Here

          Just think about it, in a few days from now, when the postal carrier arrives with your package. You are going to take your guide, your new million dollar ebook SWIPE File and bonuses we sent you...

          ...and you are going to simply try ONE low or no cost marketing idea from pages 95-101 or 116-130.

       You can speed things up even faster by borrowing a few of the ideas in the bonus S W I P E file.

          That's all you'll do the first week. And yet within that week, you will improve your marketing in eight different ways.

    1. You'll learn how to get a higher response to any marketing effort...

    2. You'll learn how to close more sales...

    3. You'll learn why testing will save you thousands of dollars...

    4. You'll discover the “key” to growing your business right...

    5. How to get other businesses to help you grow your business… at… no cost or risk to you...

    6. You'll learn what a USP is… and… how to identify and use it to gain a distinct advantage over your competitors...

    7. You'll understand the real reason why you should communicate with your customers on a frequent basis...

    8. You'll avoid the frequent (and fatal) error made in many marketing efforts and how you can avoid it..

          Within just seven days, you learn what will stimulate your prospects so greatly that you will get 2 to 3 to 5 times more business from every marketing idea you use.

          Within seven days, you will learn tactics about what will work to get more business and what won't.

          And, within one week, after seeing all the secrets in this guide, you will know how to make as much money as you want...You'll eliminate the expense of attending three thousand dollars weekend seminars and buying marketing materials that are packed full of fluff with very little "how to" info.

    Marketing IS Habit Forming.

    Let me give you a real life example
    —let me tell you my story

         Like you, I've been searching for business and marketing ideas for most of my life. Most of the time, not finding the right ones for my business. Occasionally, I found little pieces, but I never could put it all together.

         Please understand, back in 1988—when I first was layed off of a job as a graphic designer, after 9.5 years—my life was a mess. My third child Kelsey was just born and I was wondering, where will my next dollar come from to pay for everything.

         So, I started freelancing, creating brochures and other marketing stuff for anyone who would give me a chance. Along the way, my clients started asking me to help them market their businesses. But, I was a graphic designer, which is a far cry from a direct marketer.

         The truth is... I started hitting the books, attending seminars and testing all the ideas I absorbed along the way. Sometimes I spent more that 11 hours at the library, searching and learning, reading and listening to everything I could find.

         You name it, I tried to get my hands on it at least once—usually with single-minded devotion and dedication.

         You probably know just what I'm talking about from your own experience.

         One vital factor here, everywhere I went and most everything I learned, I would write down quick notes on 3x5, 5x7 cards and legal pads. Notes jotted down to help me remember.

         You'll be glad to know that all those notes helped me and and my clients make more money...

         Then in Jan 1999, the phone rang, it was Cindy Webster from Nextel Communications, calling from the Farmington Hills, Michigan office. She was calling from my basic one-line free yellow pages listing. She needed some invitations to an event coming up in three week. We produced that invite, and from then on Nextel kept calling. 

         To make a long story short, Nextel hired me to create a series of direct mail pieces to send to 60,000 people in the construction trades. I wrote, designed, produced and distributed two full-color, oversized, customized by state postcards plus three follow-up sales letters to our list in a six state mailing.

        This mailing was the introduction of the walkie-talkie, i1000 plus, one-touch phone. 

        Our campaign ended up putting over a million phones into the hands of almost every construction worker in Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Kentucky. Not to shabby.

         Anyway, Nextel kept calling and we created over 123 direct mail campaigns for the next three year until they consolidated all their marketing to headquarters in Reston Virginia. Then Sprint came along and that was the end of that.

         Here's why you should care about this, detailed notes about almost every mailing Nextel and I did were maliciously tracked and written down. Some results were reported to us with every detail, other campaigns were never tracked, but overall, together, we learned a lot about what worked and what didn't.

        Now, these secrets are ready for you to use in your marketing.

       But first...

    ...Have You Ever Seen
    A Grown Man Cry?

         12 years ago, when I moved to a new home, all my cards and notes disappeared. I was going crazy. I looked everywhere. Tore the whole house apart. My wife thought I lost my mind, but could never find them. 

        Then, about, three years ago, Amy started pestering me to clean the storage unit. It's loaded with stuff from my parents, grandparents, my son and our junk.

         While rummaging through the boxes in the storage unit that we stashed during our move 12 years before, we found all the note cards and legal pads.

         WOW... after all that time, finding all of those cards, notes and marketing ideas. All the rubber bands had dried out and snapped, but there they were, in a box, clean, dry and perfectly readable. It sure was exciting.

         So it adds up to this... after reading all the notes for months, my wife suggested "either do something with them" or she would... who knows what?

         Needless to say, I had to do something. 

        Then, the following Saturday afternoon, one of my best buddies came over. After having a few homebrews, he saw all of the note cards and read a few. After about 15 minutes he got this weird look on his face, looked at me and said:

    "Sandy, you gotta share these marketing secrets and ideas with other people! But, you shouldn't share them with everyone. 

    You should only share them with people who get it, who'll understand the value ot these ideas and who want to seriously make a lot more money today!"

    So that's how we came up with the title:

    Just Click Here Now To Order These
    Marketing Secrets To Make More Money

    I Gotta Tell You!
    These Ideas Were NEVER Intended
    To Be Shared With Anyone Except My Clients!

         These private notes were secrets that I discovered. Secrets that would help make the largest amount of money for me and my clients. 

    ...I never could have imagined or predicted!

         And the funny thing was, there they where all the time. In a box in the storage unit. The breakthroughs, and the new insights that helped many of my clients. It was hard to understand why I hadn't thought of looking in the storage unit.

         I could hardly wait to read each and every card or note to find out what was written so long ago. 12 years worth of notes that were written down almost every time that I discovered a unique secret.

    "I recommend this book only to anyone in business who wants to find more customers and prospects."
    Gerry Weinberg
    Sandler Sales Institute

         As you know, a lot has changed in marketing and a lot will never change. But, I got to tell you, between losing and finding these marketing ideas, I've learned a lot about about how to market on the internet and the many other newer media. As I continued helping my clients, I couldn't help but learn more marketing secrets. I still wrote them down on cards and notepads   

      This valuable advertising, marketing, sales and business information, the fruits of all the targeting, tracking and tweaking during this learning curve... The hundreds of books I read, the errors I made, the things I learned along the way... All are packed into this guide.

         Should you decide to order this guide, you'll get my 28 years of experience.

         Plus, and this is the best part, you'll get the uncalculatable years of advertising, marketing, sales and business secrets that I've read, listened to, watched, absorbed, tested and learned from these salty experts.

        Ideas from Jay Abraham, Rosser Reeves, Gary Halbert, Clyde Bedell, Bill Glazer, David Ogilvy, Dan Kennedy, Bob Bly, John Carlton, Ted Nichols, Leo Burnett, Yanik Silver, Victor Schwab, James Webb Young, J. Conrad Levinson, Robert Middleton, John Caples, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Joe Polish, William Bernbach, Perry Marshall, Robert Collier, E. Haldeman-Julius, Bob Serling, Claude Hopkins, Joe Sugarman, Timothy Ferris, Paul Hartunian, John E. Kennedy, Joe Vitale, Albert Lasker, Maxwell Sackheim, just to name a few of my mentors, heros and influences.

        These marketing ideas will save you time, money and mistakes that we have all made and you'll now avoid.

         By now you can probably see why these marketing ideas might...

    ...increase your business!

    "97 Marketing Secrets to Make More Money' proves, beyond the
    shadow of a doubt,
    that Sandy Barris is a skilled and seasoned
    marketer who can make you more money for your business!
    An excellent review of the real-world marketing principles that
    separate the highly profitable companies from the also-rans."
    David Garfinkel
    Publisher, free World Copywriting Newsletter

         You see, when these secrets combine to leverage your business. You will be shocked by the sudden possibilities that will start happening in your life!

         Pretty exciting, don't you think? Over the many years as these secrets were discovered, I've consistently noticed that any business owner that used them (and reported back) said the were getting much high responses from their marketing efforts. Some didn't know exactly why, but, were beginning to figure it out!

Finally, You Might Be Asking:
What’s The Cost For All These Marketing Ideas?

     Well, realize that this collection of marketing secrets and ideas could easily sell for thousands of dollars. In fact if you asked some of clients what I charge for personally helping them grow their businesses, they would tell you tens of thousands of dollars. And most of those ideas are in this guide are simple for you to use.

  And, oh yes, let's not forget, this guide has been heartily endorsed by scores of business owners and marketing experts, including Jay Conrad Levinson, David Garfinkel, Robert Smith and Alan Rothman. The Entrepreneurial Network of Michigan, The Business of Success radio show as well many other business publications.

   Heck, several people have approached me to license the rights to 97 Marketing Secrets To Make More Money; Nick Longo from and Jerry Jenkins from As of we are still in negotiations.

    Just think about it, (I currently charge a minimum of $4,500.00 per marketing project -- and that’s for the really small jobs).

    So, at a bare bones minimum you’re getting thousands and thousands of dollars worth of powerful marketing secrets and ideas that you can use any time, for any marketing campaign and for any business.

    My point is: I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that amount or even my minimum project price. In fact, your total investment for all 97 money-making marketing secrets and over 1007+ marketing ideas is far less they you are thinking. 

     So that's why the money you’ll earn as a result of these proven marketing ideas can very easily pay you back hundreds, even thousands of times your meager investment.

So what’s the catch? Why am I practically giving these secrets away...

     ...Well, it’s really quite simple. Since you’re ordering these secrets directly from me, I have no commissions or fees to pay.

     I don’t need to pay anyone to take the orders over the phone because it's all processed on the internet (though, you are welcome to call and order from me at 248-335-8080 to rest assured that I am a real person). This way I can pass along my cost savings to you. So you win and I win.

So, if you're ready to give these secrets a try,
here's my risk-free offer (in fact it's better than risk-free):

     I know you may be skeptical. I know I was when I first started buying everything I could learn about marketing.

     Everybody always promises the moon and I know I've promised you a lot here. All I want is the chance to prove to you that everything I've said in this letter is absolutely real and true and these marketing ideas and secrets truly will change your business.

    "Sandy has cracked the code and this book will help you save time and make money.

    He's taken years of marketing expertise and secrets that you would have to read over 333 marketing books, to find and put them into one book. As a leading publicity expert, I know how tough marketing can be, and I believe in this book.

    In my opinion, Secret #9 is the most important, and once you apply this your business will never be the same."
    Robert Smith
    Publicity Expert and Speaker

Here's How You Can Try
The Guide For Yourself:

     I'll send you 97 Marketing Secrets To Make More Money:
Your Guide to Growing Your Business Right
for the special price of $97  plus $4.95 for shipping and handling. Shipping outside the US and Canada is $14.95.

Plus, Order By Midnight Tonight
and I'll Throw In The Following 3 FREE Bonuses

You'll get 30 Extra priceless marketing secrets on how to make a fortune for yourself and your business! (Value at least $30.00)
Order Now and you'll get a FREE 30-Minute Telephone Critique Certificate. Good for a review of your past or upcoming marketing effort from me!
($250.00 value).
This means that, for your next ad, web site, or sales letter, you'll be able to run it past me to make sure your marketing really is... ready to sell!  I usually charge 250 bucks for a single critique... but you get YOURS FREE -- if you order right now! This critique will give you immediate insights on how you can improve your sales pitch before it goes out the door!

* Highly Recommended *

(reg $397.00)

The Amazing 567 page,
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     O. K., you might be asking yourself, "Self, can I be absolutely sure these ideas, secrets swipe file will help me make more money?"

The Answer Is YES!

In fact, I am completely
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YES, you'll use these Marketing Secrets and Ideas
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You See...You will get at least One Hundred Dollars of value out of every Dollar Invested in these secrets.

And The Best Part Is,
You Get ALL This
 (Even the Million Dollar SWIPE File)

For The Investment Of Only $97 bucks
($4.95 shipping will be added to all orders in the US; $14.95 shipping will be added for all other countries)

OR if you prefer:
To Invest Making 3-Simple Payments
One payment of $49 ($4.95 shipping will be added to all orders in the US; $14.95 shipping will be added for all other countries), followed by two payments of $29 to be charged to your account 30 and 60 days later.

     Together these three free bonuses are worth more than five times your investment in these 97 Marketing Secrets To Make More Money - but they're your absolutely free when your order by midnight.


Here's My
"Ironclad, Better-Than-Risk-Free Money-Back 100% Guarantee"

You must get at least $9,700.00 in extra profit that you never would have seen without these
marketing secrets and ideas.

If you aren't 100% satisfied - I don't expect...or keep your money. Simply send off a quick email to me and I'll happily refund your money in full. But even if you decide these secrets aren't for you - the free bonus gifts are yours to keep regardless, as a "thank you" gift from me. That means you can't lose no matter what! Is that fair or what?That means you can try out all the marketing secrets at my risk, while you see if they work for you or not. And if they don’t produce, I honestly want you to ask for your money back. And I’ll let you keep the free bonus gifts as my way of thanking you for giving the secrets letters a try.

There is absolutely no risk, whatsoever on your part. The burden to deliver is entirely on me. If you don’t produce immediate profits using these marketing secrets and ideas then I’m the loser, not you.

So how do you get these Marketing Secrets?
That's the easy part...

There are three simple ways to order:
ONE: Click here to use our safe and secure online ordering system, and use your Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, or Pay Pal. All online orders receive priority handling and will receive priority shipping within two days.

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